Pediatric Social-Communication, Language, and Speech Clinic

What to Expect

Visit Information, Forms, and Policies

What to Expect

Upon arrival to the clinic: When you arrive at our clinic, please sign in and have a seat in our waiting room. In our waiting room, there are a variety of activities provided while you and your child wait. A clinician will greet you shortly and walk you and your child back to the clinic room. Please have all necessary intake information, insurance cards and payment with you. 

During the session: Once in the clinic room, the clinician will collect any information needed and begin the evaluation/treatment session. Parents can choose to remain in the room or wait in the waiting room, this is up to the parent and child's need. We pair developmental models with each child's own set of strengths that avoids a pre-fabricated set of objectives. This model is used because research in the field of child development shows us that knowledge and learning are stronger when the context and purpose are known to the child. The more choice a child has in what is being learned, the more intrinsically motivated the learning. 

After the session: if you are waiting in the wait room, then come back 5-10 minutes before the session has ended to review the day.


Forms Overview

Navigating your child's therapy can be complicated enough, but there are the added issues of intake information, insurance (authorization, deductible, co-pay, payment options), release of information and HIPPA compliance. Below are the standard forms that we use in the clinic. If you have any questions, then please feel free to ask and we will work to clarify. 


Intake information

Please click on the attachment to view intake forms.



We follow the guidelines to maintain HIPPA compliance. Here is a link that provides standard information for HIPPA regulations. 



The child's information is loaded into our electronic system. Billing will occur weekly. Co-payments are due at time of service and can be made with cash or check. Should you have a credit card or HSA/HFA card, that can be added into the system as well. The card will be billed once the Explanation of Payment has been received. If the child is seen for ongoing therapy, then it will be billed monthly. There is a processing fee for using a credit card. Receipts and history of payments can be provided. Please be sure to track your Explanation of Benefits that you will receive from the insurance company to determine your payments. 

LSLS is preferred with Premera, Regence, Kaiser/First Choice (not Kaiser separate or a core plan), Aetna, and Molina. Please contact your insurance company to determine whether prior-authorization is required. It often is with an Aetna plan. Please note, Aetna often only covers a diagnosis for Autism, Cerebral Palsy, or Down Syndrome. Regence plans containing a prefix of ZLF or ZLP also generally require pre-authorization.